Friday, April 20, 2012

April 19, 2012

Jordan - upper elementary

The first thing that we did was go to the garlic bed and measured it and weeded it.  The tallest one was at least 39" or 40".  The constant was 38".  Then we went back to the barn and everyone got in a circle.

Then we went to the thyme bed and picked some thyme.  We went to the oregano bed and picked some of the oregano too.  They are both herbs and both smell like pizza to me.  They are for Mother's Day.  They are gifts. We got pots to plant them in.  First you put dirt in your pot, then you poke a little hole in your pot.  You put the herbs in the hole and cover it up with a little bit of dirt.  Then we ate a snack and left the farm.

Isolde - lower elementary

 Today we walked to the farm.  The lower elementary group did chicken care.  I was water and so was Reece.  We went back into a circle.  Then we picked thyme and oregano, which are herbs.  They are for Mother's Day.  I'm not sure if my mother likes herbs.  We put the soil in a pot, then we dug a little hole for the herbs and we patted the soil very lightly.

Then we had our snack.  I had Ritz for snack.  We saw a bird on the way back to school.

Field trip to Downtown Farn - April 12, 2012

Montessori at Hampstead elementary classes took a field trip to the Downtown Farm in Montgomery, AL

Arriving at the Downtown Farm - across the street from the newspaper.

Montessori Farmers, teachers and chaperones tasting fresh kale while Farmer Edwin and Farmer Jetson supervise

Taking loose straw to be composted

Time out to watch the train and clearing beds for more plants

Planting basil starts

Water gently till they drip    

Getting ready to head home

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 5, 2012

Svea - lower elementary

Today at farm class we took care of the chickens.  We put new bedding in the chicken coup, fed them food, and gave them new water.  Then we put put hand fulls of dirt, paper, and straw in a plastic box and made a worm house because worm poop makes the best soil in the world!