Jahquan - upper elementary
First we saw the Chicken Lady at the farm today. It was fun. She gave the Montessori School at Hampstead three chickens and their coup to take care of. There is Daisy. She is the big yellow chicken and is a Buff Orpington. Violet is medium size, mostly black. I held her and she tried to fly away. My hands were sweaty and I don't think chickens like to get their feathers wet. The third was named Rosie. She is the smallest of the three chickens. She is golden black and an Americana chicken. Farmer Edwin said it is our job to feed, change water, clean coup and harvest eggs each day. Daisy lays green eggs and Rosie and Violet lay tan eggs.
Our homework for this week is too research chicken coups or come up with our own design. The coup the Chicken Lady brought today is really cool. Farmer Edwin showed us how it worked and how to care for it!
Awesome! I'm so glad my friends have such great caretakers! BWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWK!-The Chicken Lady